
About US

Kratom Teas have found a new home at Smoke & Talk in Raleigh where we offer many brands of Kratom from Earth Kratom, Royal Kratom, Kaps Kratom, O.P.M.S Kratom and our pride: North Point Kratom. All of which can be bought in capsules, powder, or in liquid extracts. Our capsules come in 42 counts up to 500 counts. While our powders come in 30 Grams up to 1000 Gms. Our lines of Kratom are 100% organics and found to have the best customer’s reviews and that’s Due to our extensive research and free trials we put our strains through before carrying the brand and its strains.

As we put the customer in charge of judging our lines and its strains which have all the famous strains: Maeng da ( green , white and red), Bali both( green and red), Borneo (white, green , and red), Hulu (green & red), Vietnam Kratom, Sumatra Kratom and our most prestigious strain Trainwreck Kratom. In addition to a less known strains of Kratom. We don’t ask you to take our word for it but we ask you to give us a visit and decide for your self on both quality & price.